
Marine Engineering department has 6 laboratories with 22 stands and 8 models. They are used mainly for educational purposes.

No Name of the stand Common view



1 Diesel engine SKL 2NVD12,5/18 Marine Diesel Engines,
Marine Power Plants
2 Centrifugal compressor stand Marine Diesel Engines,
Marine Hydraulic Machines
3 Roots compressor and turbine stand Marine Diesel Engines,
Marine Hydraulic Machines
4 Ship shaftline
412М Marine Machinery Building Technology, Technical Maintenance and Repair of Marine Machinery
5 High pressure fuel oil pumps stand 412М Marine Machinery Building Technology, Technical Maintenance and Repair of Marine Machinery
6 Ship propeller balance and propeller pitch measuring stand 412М Marine Machinery Building Technology, Technical Maintenance and Repair of Marine Machinery
7 Hydraulic assembling stand 412М Marine Machinery Building Technology, Technical Maintenance and Repair of Marine Machinery
8 Fuel oil injectors stand 412М Marine Machinery Building Technology, Technical Maintenance and Repair of Marine Machinery
9 Ship air-conditioning plant 414М Marine Hydraulic Machines
10 Ship pumps stands 414М Marine Hydraulic Machines
11 Ship steam and gas turbines stands 708М Marine Steam and Gas Turbines
12 Low flow steam turbine  Heat equipment building Marine Steam and Gas Turbines

Thermal Power-


Marine Steam and Gas Turbines
13 Turbine rotor and crankshaft play stand 412М Marine Machinery Building Technology
14 Stand for Inspection of Threaded connections 412М Marine Machinery Building Technology
15 Strain gauge stand 411М Heat-Engineering Measurements
16 Pressure gauges test stand 411М Heat-Engineering Measurements
17 Piston engine indicating devices stand 411М Heat-Engineering Measurements
18 Ship power plant parameters measuring stand Trial of Marine Power Plants
19 Failure of rotating machinery modeling stand 414М Vibration and Vibro-diagnostics of Marine
20 Rotating machinery balancing stand 412М Vibration and Vibro-diagnostics of Marine
21 Diesel engine components measuring and assembly 412М Technical Maintenance and Repair of Marine Machinery
22 Crankshaft deflection measuring and bearing clearance 412М Technical Maintenance and Repair of Marine Machinery